Famous Quotes

It helps to hear messages from those who have walked the faith before us, or those who are further ahead in the Lord.

David Wilkerson

Faith is not to get you out of a hard place but to change your heart in the hard place.

A humble person is not one who thinks little of himself, hangs his head and says, "I'm nothing." Rather, he is one who depends wholly on the Lord for everything, in every circumstance.

Blessed are those who believe when there is no evidence of an answer to prayer.

When God sets His heart on you, you will be tried often. But the longer and harder your affliction, the more deeply God has set His heart on you, to show you His love and care.

When God sets His heart on you, you will be tried often. But the longer and harder your affliction, the more deeply God has set His heart on you, to show you His love and care.

Smith Wigglesworth

"Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials." "In me is working a power stronger than every other power. The life that is in me is a thousand times bigger than I am outside." "It is better to live ready than to get ready!" "There is nothing that our God cannot do. He will do everything if you will dare to believe." "The Spirit reveals, unfolds, takes of the things of Christ and shows them to us, and prepares us to be more than a match for Satanic forces."

Leonard Ravenhill

The secret of praying is praying in secret. A sinning man will stop praying, and a praying man will stop sinning. Most Christians pray to be blessed. Few pray to be broken. If you want to be popular, preach happiness. If you want to be unpopular, preach holiness. If Jesus had preached the same message that ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified. In revival, God is not concerned about filling empty churches, He is concerned about filling empty hearts. Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord the less entertainment you need.

David Wilkerson

Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do. Drugs, what a devil-inspired poison! It's death on the installment plan. The day you learn to be publically specific in your prayer, that is the day you will discover power. I have questioned God sometimes whether prayers have gone unanswered. But answered prayer is still harder to believe. I knew from my work in the church how important a role tears play in making a man whole.

Charles Spurgeon

God helps those who cannot help themselves. A Jesus who never wept could never wipe away my tears. You will never glory in God till first of all God has killed your glorying in yourself. When your will is God's will, you will have your will. The greatest joy of a Christian is to give joy to Christ. It is not great talents God blesses so much as likeness to Jesus.

John Wesley

"What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace."

/* ## Billy Graham */